
Efflorescence: It’s not a spell from a fantasy novel, though it might cause just as much trouble. It’s that ghostly white powder that creeps onto your walls and floors, a cryptic message from your building that something’s amiss. But worry not! At MFS Engineering, we’ve got the decoder ring. Our cache of articles peels back the mystery, transforming what seems like alchemy into pure, understandable science. We delve into causes, prevention, and treatments, ensuring your structure’s tale is one of resilience, not ruin. Stay informed, stay ahead, and let’s turn pitfalls into stepping stones together!

Having a Leaking Balcony? Here is Why Balconies Leak

Balcony leaks are a growing concern in high-rise living. This post explores common causes of leaks, their impact on structural integrity, and how forensic structural engineering can provide effective solutions.

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Raining heavily on a brick balcony with visible leaks.

What is Efflorescence and How to Prevent it (simplified)

Efflorescence, a common issue in both old and new buildings, can signal moisture problems. This brief post explains what it is, why it occurs, and how to prevent it in your property.

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Illustration of a salt deposit forming on bricks with a magnifying glass highlighting the phenomenon.